Police raided a house, I was shocked to see the condition inside, what was happening was scary

Police raided a house, I was shocked to see the condition inside, what was happening was scary

A shocking news has come out from London. A strange sound used to come from a house at night. When the police raided on intelligence information, they were shocked to see the condition inside. A cache of weapons was found behind the cupboard. When the police started investigating further, they found out that deadly weapons were being printed here using a 3D printer. These included many state-of-the-art rifles, assault rifles and big guns. The policemen had never even imagined this. The incident took place in December 2020, on which a documentary has recently been released.

According to the Metro report, West Midlands Police officers were shocked. How can someone do all this in such a security area? When its story was shown in the new episode of ‘Forensic: The Real CSI’, people were also surprised. In the footage, officers are shown taking out several deadly guns from inside a house.

It also had automatic rifles
Police said that a man named David Biddle-Portman lived in East Birmingham, who used to print deadly assault rifles from a 3D printer. Many of them also had automatic rifles and they were working well. He had also printed some ballistic missiles. Apart from all the ammunition, we have seized 6 weapons and parts of more than 300 guns. We also found a 3D printer hidden in an upstairs cupboard, which was immediately confiscated.

Fully 3D printed
One of these rifles was the kind of gun that is used in mass shootings in America. It was made of a mixture of alloy and plastic. It was completely 3D printed. When the seized guns were forensically examined, it was found that none of them had serial numbers. They were called ghost rifles. Investigation revealed that this person had researched the guns for months before making them. When it came to light that he had invested most of the money in crypto, the police started getting worried. Because they were afraid that some 3D weapons business was going on.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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